Japanese Faith Course
Part 4
JPF Lesson 4
The Japanese Faith Course is a Discussion
Please remember the Japanese Faith Course is a discussion centered experience. I am not a teacher who is telling you what to think or how to live. I am coming to you in humility, simply sharing some observations in hopes of opening a dialogue. My observations are not "right," they are a launching point to discussing a vastly interesting and challenging topic.
Therefore, my hope is that you hear my observations with an open curiosity, and discuss them with friends and family. It would be best to gather a few people, play the short video, and use the questions below to generate a free discussion of ideas.
JFC Part 4 Questions
1. Have you ever done something that is best for you but not good for the group? What happened?
1. 自分にとっては良いことでも、グループにとっては良くないことをしたことがありますか?
2. What does it mean to you that the Bible teaches us to live by Wa? (You will be surprised to learn what else it teaches!)
2.聖書が「和をもって貴しとなす」と教えているのは、どういう意味ですか? (他にどんなことが教えられているか、きっと驚くと思います!)
3. Now that you know Jesus commanded us all to live by Wa, what do you think about western "Christians?”